Membership categories and dues rates
Individual member
“Regular” members, as defined by our by-laws as “members of good character and business reputation, united in a common bond of communications in advertising and marketing…”
Malaysia Chapter dues is currently US$200.
Academic member
Individuals affiliated with recognized academic institutions as instructors in the field of advertising/marketing.
Academic membership dues TBC.
Corporate member (global)
For companies, corporations, partnerships, proprietorships, etc. which have an interest in the marketing communications industry, and believe in and wish to support the principles of the IAA.
An executive will be designated by the business to represent them as their official representative in IAA affairs.
To qualify as a global Corporate member: must have operations in two or more continents.
Global CM dues TBC.
Corporate member (regional)
Same definition as the global Corporate member.
To qualify as a regional Corporate member: must have operations in one continent.
Regional CM dues TBC.
Corporate member (national)
Same definition as the global Corporate member.
To qualify as a national Corporate member: must have operations in one country only.
National CM dues are TBC.
Organizational member
An organization (example: association, society, academic institution, foundation, government bureau, etc.) that has an interest in the marketing communications field and wishes to associate themselves with the IAA.
Organizational member dues TBC.
For more details on how to join the IAA:
At individual or academic level, please contact us at