What we believe:
In its capacity as the champion of responsible and free advertising, the IAA finds itself involved in the debate around the many key regulatory issues impacting the industry today.
The IAA is frequently in contact with the regulators in many of the countries where it has grassroots representation – lobbying them and presenting the industry’s viewpoint.
That is why we have developed the IAA position statements on what we see as the main regulatory issues impacting the communications industry today:
- Obesity
- Media influence on children
- Responsible advertising & self-regulation in advertising
- Product placement
- Commercial email
- Unsolicited commercial faxes
- Alcohol advertising
- Tobacco advertising
Advertising Self-Regulation
To promote advertising self-regulation, the IAA assists its Chapters and other bodies involved in setting up appropriate codes and systems in their countries, as well as systems for dealing with trans-border complaints within regional trading blocs.
Current Regulatory Codes
- Click here for the ICC’s consolidated code of Advertising and Marketing Communications.
- Click here for the 2011 IAA/AFAA Study of Advertising Self- Regulation in Asia and Australia.
- Click here for the Code of Commercial Conduct in the Advertising Sector in Spanish.
Foundation for Advertising Research’s website on best practice advertising regulation
The Foundation for Advertising Research (FAR) has created a website: http://apacadreg.com for ongoing exchange of information to advance best practice advertising regulation in the Asia-Pacific region. The website is in the form of a blog so that comments can be added and therefore promote discussion.
Building relationships with the regulators
We meet frequently with media regulators to discuss industry and consumer-choice issues. These meetings give us, and our members, a unique insight into the future of our industry. We have solid relations and regular dialog with many governments. For example:
- IAA Leaders visited Moscow in 2009 and met with the State Duma, the Committee on Advertisement Information and Design, the Committee for Economic Policy and Tourism, the Federal Antimonopoly Commission and the Deputy Major of Moscow.
- Our Executive Committee was one of the first groups to meet with the EU Commissioner for Consumer Protection, Mrs. Maglena Kuneva, and encouraged a fair and open debate. Commissioner Kuneva immediately invited a delegation of the IAA to return to Brussels and maintain a regular dialog with her.
- In China, we have regular communications with the State Administration of Industry and Commerce – this ministry controls the advertising industry. SAIC officials across China are interested in “what the IAA thinks”, and what we can tell them about other market and industry issues.
How the IAA can assist you
The IAA has a seat at the table with most of the world’s advertising regulating bodies. The IAA can also act as a bridge between regulators and the industry.